Nick Bourgeois

A web developer trying to find his way

Five years

I might as well inaugurate this blog with the hardest post I’ll ever write.

I have this feeling that I need to get some things off my chest, but I’m not sure what I’m going to say. If I can write about this subject and publish it to the world, I know I can do the latter again and again.

Today marks the five-year anniversary of my younger brother’s death. Out of respect for him and my family I won’t divulge too much on how he died, but suffice it to say it was sudden and unexpected.

I rarely talk about him nowadays. We don’t really bring him up much at family gatherings anymore. When we do the room will often become silent and awkward for a moment.

When I do talk about him I like to reminisce about the good times. Although I never let him know it, he was my best friend for long periods of my life. Some of the greatest conversations I’ve ever had with another person were with him.


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